
Belief Statements


Our core values and principles that guide the behaviors and decisions.

We believe in recognizing and striving to meet the varied needs of our students by considering special needs, learning styles, multiple intelligences and providing a curriculum that allows for these differences, providing all students with the opportunity to develop their talents and achieve their personal best.

We believe in providing an inclusive evolutionary curriculum to challenge and motivate students to reach their full academic and intellectual potential as they acquire knowledge, learn new skills and engage in critical thinking.

We believe in the value of language development and the fluency at Westhill Institute. Our student study programs are in Spanish, English and French. We promote multicultural study and understanding to enable students and staff to appreciate our diversity at Westhill.

We believe that all students should be introduce to a wide variety of interest and subject areas and a growing number of extra-curricular activities allowing them to participate in sports, art, music, and drama, offering exposure to the range of opportunities to develop leadership and interpersonal skills. Student’s talents and efforts are celebrated and appreciated through concerts, performances, exhibitions, sports, competitions, and other special events.

We believe and consider the development and reinforcement of values through virtues such as caring, courage, teamwork, initiative, fairness, perseverance, trustworthiness, honesty, respect, commitment and responsibility to be an important part of our educational priorities. We expect faculty and staff to model and encourage these traits and actively seek ways to integrate them into the curriculum.

We believe the school should promote student learning, having clearly defined educational goals, and academic outcomes which are measurable and attainable. All our resources should be committed to providing opportunities for students to achieve maximum intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth and foster confident ability to make creative and constructive decisions in their present and future lives.

 We believe staff should be employed to model the values and behaviors expected of students. We believe staff should be committed to promoting life-long learning, based upon their professional competences and supporting their ongoing preparation, their love of learning, and their knowledge of students; applying different strategies, processes, tools and techniques in different settings

We believe strong partnerships between schools and the local community will contribute to an effective learning environment and provide community service opportunities which allows students to become a part of the ever-growing world community

We believe the school should be a safe, healthy and supportive environment. We believe it is important to create an atmosphere where all students can experience success. The school environment is responsive and conducive to learning, facilitating and enhancing the learning experience available to each and all students

We believe technology must be an integral part of the education process using programs that help students to become proficient users of technology

We believe in educational systems which encourage parents’ participation in their children’s learning

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