
Student Support Department


The Student Support Department has as a main goal to promote and provide social-emotional wellbeing to all of our community. We want all of our students, families and teachers to live the school as a safe and caring space.

In order to promote the wellbeing of the community, the Student Support Department provides:

  • Schoolwide workshops for students, regarding important topics, such as “Building Community”, “Child Protection”, “Words do matter”, etc.
  • Conferences for families, where parents and tutors can learn strategies regarding parenting.
  • Counseling support for students that require so.

Counseling is a service that can be provided in the school environment to students that require a closer follow up and a space to express with the counselor. Students can be referred by parents, teachers or even by the student himself/herself. If the student requires more of a psychotherapeutic process, he or she will be referred to an external specialist and the counselor will be in close communication.

The Special Education Program is another service provided by the Student Support Department. The SPED Program’s goal is to ensure that all our students are reaching their highest potential and are in an environment that encourages them to develop skills to succeed in life.

The students enrolled in the SPED program have a diagnosed specific learning need; the program at Westhill Institute begins at PK and ends in 12th grade. By policy, only 10% of the campus total population can be part of the SPED program. Therefore, there are limited spaces for new students in the program.

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